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Advanced Control-Basic
If you are a process or instrument engineer, then you have definitely have passed some courses on process control during university time. To be honest, with all due respect, none of them was practical and unfortunately none of them is implemented when it comes to petrochemical, gas processing, refinery plants or generally process plant. Nonetheless, the course was needed to get you familiar with simple basics. You might think that we have written this in order to persuade you to purchase the package; simply don’t buy it.
Here is the content of the package which is utilized by licensors and engineering companies in design of process plants.

Aspen Hysys Simulation
Process engineering without advanced process control is meaningless. Regardless of your level of expertise, if you are a process control operator working in operation, then you definitely need it since all of your job is about control; if you are a control system specialist, then you definitely need it especially during project phase since you have to check all control loops are implemented correctly. Finally, if you are a process engineering specialist, without a doubt, more than others you need to boost your knowledge in advanced process control since you need it in each design; you want to design fired heaters then you have to be really expert to design complex loop for its fuel system; you are involved in design of turbines or distillation columns? Then you really need to become professional in cascade control loops and split-ranges.

Aspen Package
Throughout this comprehensive course you will learn different modules and equipment simulation based on numerous examples. This course is designed for process and chemical engineers who yearn to become professional. This course is in fact a package. The package includes the followings
1. Aspen Hysys (Simulation and Safety Environment)
2. Aspen Plus
3. Aspen Flarenet
4. Aspen Energy Analyzer
5. Aspen Capital Cost Estimator

Detailed Engineering Design
The course focuses on detailed engineering and process datasheet development, providing a comprehensive understanding of designing and specifying process equipment. It covers the principles of process design, equipment specification, and the preparation of technical datasheets. A key aspect of the course is the use of advanced simulation tools, enabling accurate modeling and optimization of processes.

From Graduation to Industry Program
The program will focus on the followings
Our “From Graduation to Industry “program aims to not only help them boost their knowledge in practical subjects but also teach them how to put their academic and theoretical knowledge into practicalities and as a result pave the way for their future.
1. Process Design Criteria
2. PFD and P&ID Development
3. Process Safety and Interlock Diagrams
4. Separator Sizing and Datasheet Development
5. PSV Sizing and Datasheet Development
6. Heat Exchanger Sizing and Datasheet Development

From Operation to Design
If you are looking for a program for your process department or you want to see your dramatic progress in process engineering in just six months, the course is for you. Throughout this program you become professional ( not get familiar ) in various subjects, standards, and softwares. After this six-month program, you will be able to perform many process engineering-related tasks during engineering phase. The advantages of the course are as follows
1.You will learn all packages of EIEPD in just one package.
2.It is more cost-effective.
3.All parts of engineering are connected.
4.Six-month monitoring of your progress and your mistakes.

Material Selection for Process Engineers
Who says that it should remain just the specialty of material specialists to select the best material for equipment? We made it much easier for you. You as process engineer or mechanical engineer don’t need to follow the old-fashioned and tedious way to choose a suitable material for a specific application.
How it works? Instead of selecting material purely based on operating and design condition, we shifted the basis of material selection to fluid types plus EIEPD Team experience which resulted in EIEPD Material Selection Criteria, which shapes not only your career but your understanding of process engineering as well. Yes, that is a rule; the more you improve your knowledge in process engineering the more you understand materials, which help you better understand process engineering!

PFD and P&ID Development using Autocad P&ID
Enough is enough. We are just trained to read PFDs and P&ID developed by others and boast about it. You see, preparation and development of PFD and P&ID are just carried out based on some algorithm to which you do not have any access! EIEPD PFD and P&ID Development course provides you with all of these design notes for typical equipment from towers to pumps. More importantly you learn where to prepare P&ID pages
Auto-Cad P&ID. We guarantee your success if you follow our instructions closely.

Process Em ergency + Interlock Diagram
The process plant design without taking into account preventive measures which safely shut-downs the plant is literally meaningless. Process emergency description and cause and effect matrix (interlock diagram) are the documents which should be developed by process department during basic design and later be detailed and implemented during project phase in FCS and ESD.

Process Engineering in Fired Heater
Fired heaters are simply the heart of those process plants which have it. Through them massive energy is provided to the process and reactions like cracking [Ethylene Plants] or reforming [Ammonia, Methanol and Hydrogen Plants]. Both fired heaters design and operation requires a great deal of knowledge and experience and it takes years for one to master it.
Don’t worry, we make it easy for you, we start from beginning and finish it with you becoming professional.

Process Plant Design
Don’t think that the course is about reviewing some previous documents from previous projects! In fact, in this package, you will learn how to design a process plant from zero to fully fledged state. Throughout the lectures you will learn which documents should be created and how they should be created. The documents that are handed-down from licensing companies to engineering companies and from engineering companies to owner of the plants, you will master all of them throughout this course.

Process Units and Equipment Start-up
Gaining good insight towards start-up of not only equipment but also process units would be a great advantage to your process design knowledge since most parts of process design criteria are written and prepared in a way to accommodate the worst-case scenarios, which mostly occur during start-ups.

PSV Sizing and Selection
Enough is enough. We are just trained to read PFDs and P&ID developed by others and boast about it. You see, preparation and development of PFD and P&ID are just carried out based on some algorithm to which you do not have any access! EIEPD PFD and P&ID Development course provides you with all of these design notes for typical equipment from towers to pumps. More importantly you learn where to prepare P&ID pages
Auto-Cad P&ID. We guarantee your success if you follow our instructions closely.

Process Simulation in Aspen Plus
Throughout this comprehensive course you will learn different modules and equipment simulation based on numerous examples. This course is designed for process and chemical engineers who yearn to become professional. The course example is based on 4 different handbooks, more than two hundred articles and our team experience. Also, through this series, you will gain good knowledge about Aspen Energy Analyzer and Aspen Capital Cost Estimator.